Awesome Beauty Uses for Lemon

You love fresh lemonade in the summer? You should know that your skin loves lemons too. The beauty benefits these citrus offers are amazing and I am sure after your read them you would like to load up on them.

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Get Rid of Facial Hair Forever

There are many women who are facing with facial hair, which can be a very unpleasant cosmetic problem, especially if your skin is darker. The darker the skin the more visible the face hair is.

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Homemade Cinnamon Mouthwash

Have you ever tried to read the ingredients contained by a mouthwash you buy from the store? I did. There are lots of chemicals and artificial colorings that I do not know what they mean. Moreover, I believe they do more damage than good.

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Coconut Lime Scrub

I like to try new scrubs as often as I can. One of my newest resolutions is to try a new scrub each week. Until now I was able to keep it…but let’s see how long I will be able to do so.

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