You are preparing for a big night out and right before the big event a nasty, red big pimple appears on your face.
You will try to cover it with a concealer and a foundation but if the situation is really bed this will not do the trick.
Let’s see what you should do before using a these make-up products.
Ice Cube
Your best ally when you want to reduce the inflammation and the redness is ice. You need to put an ice cube in a napkin/tissue and press the pimple with it as long as you can bear. But try to resist at least one minute. Take it away and then repeat the move for 2-3 times.
Eye Drops
Ice will do the trick, but the effect is not a very long lasting one. This is where eye drops step in.
Eye drops have a vasoconstrictor effect and they work the same either you use them for your eyes or for your skin: reduce redness.
Soak a Q-Tip in the eye drops solution and gently press the pimple for 15-20 seconds.
Now you can apply your make-up products in order to cover the pimple.