Natural Remedies for Hair Loss

Hair loss is a problem faced by many women of all ages, and the causes are multiple, from some hidden problems, stress to inappropriate use of cosmetics, which aggress the hair root due to chemical substances.

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Get Rid of Hickey with Natural Remedies

We all, at some point, we hit or we were hit accidentally, and got stuck with unsightly bruises, which, although doesn’t hurt much, doesn’t please us. Therefore, in this article we intend to talk about how get rid of bruises, because we have to admit, at least for us ladies, they really are a problem.

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How to Treat Keloid Scars Naturally

Keloid scars represent an abnormal development of scar tissue, with an increased size as a result of an aggressive healing process. The keloid scars are often located on the chest, shoulders and back, holding a higher incidence on people with dark skin.

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Aloe Homemade Masks for Hair and Skin

Aloe vera is one of the oldest plants used in skin and hair beauty care. On the market you will find a wide range of cosmetics based on aloe vera, but as long as you have at home this natural plant is better to use it instead of the chemical products.

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Emergency Remedies for Pimples

Acne is the result of a combination of factors – excess sebum, dead cells excess and bacteria. Pimples occur when hair follicles (or “pores” as we call them) are “clogged” with a sort of plug composed of sebum and dead cells.

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How to Treat Rashes at Home

The rash is an inflammation of the skin. It can happen due to a variety of disorders ranging in severity from mild to serious. Eruptions can affect a small area of skin or the whole body and may occur at any age and in any population.

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Get Rid of Freckles Naturally

Freckles don’t endanger your skin health. They are caused by an abnormal pigmentation of the basal epidermis cells. These cells are filled with the skin pigment known as melanin. However, inside the skin there are a number of specialized cells called melanoblasts that produce the pigment.

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How to Get Rid of Chickenpox Scars

Chickenpox is the best known contagious infectious disease. It can occur throughout the year, but the incidence is higher especially in winter and spring. An alarming 90% of people contact this disease throughout life. Scars are part of the natural healing process.

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Natural Remedies for Acne Scars

Acne creams are recommended when you want to treat this skin problem. They contain chemical ingredients which effectively fight against bacteria and microbes, hastening the healing. But once you get rid of acne you might confront scars.

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How to Get Rid of Dark Elbows and Knees

Dead skin cells make elbows and the knees skin darker than other areas on the body. Did you know that when you sit on your desk usually you ad pressure on your elbows? This pressure leads to elbows pigmentation.

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Get Rid of Stretch Marks at Home

Stretch marks occur particularly in sensitive areas such as the abdomen, hips, breasts, and the upper thighs, because of weight variations. They are not a medical problem, but an aesthetic one and mostly occur in people who have less elastic skin.

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How to Get Rid of Moles at Home

Some moles disappear by themselves, but most of the time they multiply and their appearance is becoming more unpleasant. Therefore, people have become increasingly more interested in their look, trying to find remedies to get rid of them.

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Emergency Remedies for Toothache

Do you have a toothache? Until you get to the dentist, you can try these natural remedies that will temporary relieve pain. However, remember that these remedies will not solve the problem and just simply calm the pain for a short time.

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Sugar Waxing at Home

Sugar waxing is one of the latest trends in cosmetics. You can try it at salons, but it’s easy to do at home and the ingredients required are few and inexpensive.

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