How to Treat Rashes at Home

The rash is an inflammation of the skin. It can happen due to a variety of disorders ranging in severity from mild to serious. Eruptions can affect a small area of skin or the whole body and may occur at any age and in any population.

Skin eruptions vary greatly, depending on its extent and severity. They can be red, white, purple or gray and may look flat, bump (papule) or swelling. They can appear as dots or spots on large areas. Rashes can also include skin peeling.

Wheat bran. Mix a generous amount of wheat bran with cold or lukewarm water. With the obtained mixture wash the affected skin areas 2-3 times a day.

Baking soda. Wash the affected areas with baking soda and water, then dry thoroughly with a soft towel.

Mineral water. Applying a few drops of mineral water can soften skin burns, irritation and redness. The minerals contained in the water are anti-inflammatory and reduce the feeling that you have after a laser intervention.

Tomatoes. Vitamins A and C contained in tomatoes maintain the health of the skin. Tomato juice is a natural astringent and has acid properties that removes excess sebum. Tomatoes also contain antioxidants that fight redness, acne and free radicals. So, apply a few slices of tomato on the face, let them action for several minutes, then rinse with water.

Olive oil. Eczema and psoriasis can be treated with olive oil. Christopher Dannaker a dermatologist at the University of California says that unlike commercial products, olive oil soothes and moisturizes the skin.

Strawberries. Mix 2 mashed strawberries and 1 teaspoon of sour cream. Apply this paste on the affected skin and leave it on for 10 minutes then rinse with warm water. Use this remedy at least 2 times a week.

Chamomile tea. Place on the affected skin a towel soaked in cold chamomile tea. Leave it there for 15 minutes. Alternatively, you can apply cold chamomile tea bags on the rush.