Acne creams are recommended when you want to treat this skin problem. They contain chemical ingredients which effectively fight against bacteria and microbes, hastening the healing. But once you get rid of acne you might confront scars.
Citrus juice. Citrus juice contains high levels of acid and large amounts of vitamin C, which helps eliminate the dead cells and skin rebuilding process.. Squeeze half a lemon, an orange and a grapefruit and apply the mixed juice on the face using a cotton pad. Let the juice dry, then rinse your face with warm water. Repeat every day, morning and evening (after cleansing).
Sodium bicarbonate. Baking soda is a product found in any kitchen. Its cosmetic role is to exfoliate the skin, removing dead cells without damaging other layers of the skin. Another role of sodium bicarbonate is to kill the bacteria found in the facial area, thus preventing pores inflammation and pimples.
Vitamin E oil. Vitamin E oil can be applied on the scars left by acne. It softens the skin, enhances the healing of scars and removes skin redness. Put in your palm half a teaspoon of this oil and rub hands together, then massage your face for about 5 minutes. Remove excess oil from the skin with a wet towel.
Aloe Vera and Sage. Aloe Vera and sage are natural healing agents that can hasten the closing of scars left by acne. Place the sage in hot water to infuse, then let it cool and apply it on skin using a soak cotton pad. The aloe gel can also be applied directly on skin.