Homemade Kiwi Face Scrub

There are lots of homemade face scrubs out there. You just need to find the perfect combination that fits your skin needs. To do that you need to read about them until you are able to custom the perfect one for your skin.

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Make Your Own Blackheads Strips in 30 Seconds

Blackheads are one of the most unaesthetic skin problem. They appear mostly on the nose and the most common way to get rid of them is by applying a strip. Instead of buying blackheads strips or going to a cosmetician, you can make your own strips.

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Homemade Coffee Sugar Scrub

Today I felt like my skin needs some exfoliating so I’ve made a homemade scrub. As it is very very cold outside I did not feel like going outside. So I look around my kitchen and choose 3 of the most common and efficient ingredients when it comes to body scrubs: coffee, sugar and coconut oil.

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Natural Remedies for Strong and Healthy Nails

Being a “hippie nature lover”  I try to promote a healthy lifestyle as much as I can. This includes using as much as I can natural products/remedies when it comes to beauty products/issues. Not only using them, but also making them.

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Homemade wet wipes

I always have to much kitchen paper towels or dry paper napkins standing around in my kitchen drawers. So, I though of making some homemade wet wipes. They are good for lots of things like cleaning your baby bum or removing make-up.

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Homemade Remedies for Skin Tags

Skin tags may not be harmful, but they can be very uncomfortable. They may appear on different areas like the nose, neck or inner thighs, which make them unaesthetic as well.  

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Natural Teeth Whitening Treatments

Worldwide, billions of dollars are spend on teeth whitening products. All that money spend just to achieve a different shade. Beside teeth whitening products, there are many treatments performed in dental offices.

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DIY Natural Red Lipstick

Nothing makes your lips sexier than a red lipstick. What if I can tell you can make a perfect red lipstick in the privacy of your home with only 3 ingredients?  You will surprise how moisturizing the lipstick will be. Also it is very simple to make.

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How to fix a broken nail at home

Broken nails happens in the worst possible moment. When you finally succeeded to grow them looong and beautiful…poufff…one breaks. It like a little piece of your heart breaks along with that broken nail.

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Shea Butter All-In-One Natural Cream

This is the cream of all natural creams. Because of its ingredients, among which Shea butter is the most important, you can use it for any part of your body, starting with your face and ending with your feet or nails cuticles.    

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