Organic Methods to Clean Your Kitchen

People always showed interest in personal comfort. Cleanliness is one of the most important aspects of quality of life, but keeping order and cleanliness becomes a challenge when there is even one child.

Cleaning up is on the agenda, but the big problem is how to do it without exposing your child to all the toxins of the ordinary cleaning solutions?

The simplest method is environmentally friendly cleaning products or returning to traditional methods of cleaning, once used by our grandparents.

What are the ingredients for friendly cleaning products?

To clean any surfaces you must have in the house:

– Sodium bicarbonate;

– Wine vinegar;

– Borax;

– Homemade soap;

– Lemon peels;

– Olive oil;

– Salt;

– Aromatic oils.

How to clean the kitchen

There are many kinds of dirt, especially in the kitchen, so there will be many homemade cleaning solutions. An almost universal solution is obtained by mixig 1 teaspoon of borax, ½ teaspoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of oil based homemade soap (Castille soap) and aromatic oils (drops). The ingredients are mixed with 2 cups of water to obtain an universal detergent, useful for both kitchen and bathroom, or for disinfecting toys.

The stove is generally the first part of the kitchen that gets dirty most often. To avoid toxic detergents in removing food debris and oil, we can clean the stove with baking soda and water. The pasta made from bicarbonate and water is allowed to act on the stove a few hours and then wipe with a cloth and rinse with water mixed with vinegar.

Kitchen furniture, which includes cabinets, can be cleaned with the universal solution presented above. To give wooden furniture a special glow and an air of freshness use a mixture of 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. For grease stains rub with salt.

Lacquered kitchen surfaces with remaining stains can be cleaned with a mixture of lemon, oil and salt. This way the stains disappear, and the surface remains as new.

Windows help us see the world better, so it is good to be cleaned well. Clean them with a solution composed of 1 liter of water, 4 tablespoons of lemon juice and alcohol. The windows are cleared preferably with a soft and absorbent cloth.

Floors, especially in the kitchen, have greatly to suffer especially when the baby decides to redecorate with what is at hand. There are many natural solutions for cleaning floor according to the type:

– Ceramic tiles can be easily cleaned with vinegar mixed in a glass of water. To have a pleasant smell, you can rinse afterwards with aromatic oils mixed with a little water;

– Carpets can be washed with the same mixture as in the case of tiles, adding a little dishwashing if there are any grease stains. For stubborn carpet stains mix equal amounts of salt, borax and vinegar, and the obtained substance is applied to the spot and insist rubbing until it disappears.

– Wooden floor can be cleaned with the solution obtained from the mixture of  ½ cup of white vinegar and 1 tbsp of sunflower oil. Mix well and focus on the floor dirtiest places until they glow. Add your favorite flavored oils fot a pleasant smell (lavender, chamomile).

The trash can may be a source of discomfort to the kitchen unless it is thoroughly cleaned. There are several solutions that can remove odors from trash:

– Squeeze half a lemon on the sides of the can, then enter the shower and wash using as sponge the half lemon to rub well the trash can walls;

– Baking powder mixed with white vinegar remove odors if left to act for about 10 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

The sink can clog sometimes, but the good news is that you can fix the problem without expensive detergents, if you pour into it ¼ cup of vinegar, ¼ cup of baking soda, ¼ cup of vinegar again. It is appropriate to comply with that order. Allow to act about 15 minutes after which pour about 2 liters of scalded water.

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Organic Methods to Clean Your Kitchen

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