how to clean and disinfect your floor using homemade cleaner

Keeping a clean and germ-free floor is essential for a home. Especially if there are small children around.
It is important for the floor to be cleaned, but it is also important how the cleaning is done. Hard chemicals are known to do more damage to people than good.

That is why many people, nowadays, concerned with these effects, and also the effects on the environment once these chemicals are thrown down the drain, choose to use products with less chemicals and natural ingredients.

Nature has provided us with several such choices, which are just as efficient as the products you can buy at the store.

How to make your own floor cleaner?

First of all, there are two types or floor cleaners: regular and the ones for wooden floors.

Wooden floors need special attention, due to the fact that it can easily be damaged is the detergent is too powerful.

To make your own wooden floor detergent you need 1 tea spoon of olive oil, half a cup of distilled white vinegar, and also a cup of water. To make is disinfectant, add a splash of vodka in it.

To make a regular floor cleaner just mix distilled white vinegar with water. For though stains, but a little bit of baking soda in there, as well.

A less natural, but still less chemical way to make your own floor cleaner at home is to mix Castile soap with water.

To make it smell great put your favorite essence in the liquid.

If there are hardened stains that need rubbing, you can easily get them out by using hominy, and rubbing in circles.

Borax is also a powerful cleaner. It cleans, disinfects, and deodorizes.

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how to clean and disinfect your floor using homemade cleaner

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