Let’s start with a question: how clean is your bathroom? It’s not a question designed to point the finger at anyone. We are busy people and we prefer to spend our free time with our families, not cleaning up. But, nevertheless, cleanliness is cleanliness.
Cleaning the toilet
The most powerful source of odors is the toilet. Clean its cover it with a cloth on witch you sprinkled baking soda. Then, remove the baking soda with a damp cloth. Mix baking soda with white vinegar and use this solution to clean the toilet bowl. After this process, add a few drops of essential oil of eucalyptus, for a pleasant scent.
Cleaning the bathtub and the sink
Even if the sink and bathtub seem clean, they must be disinfected regularly. If they are sticky, you can clean them with a paste made of detergent, vinegar and one tablespoon of baking soda.
Stains and mold formed on the curtains can be removed with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Refresh the smell of the drains, pouring hot water with lemon. If you have copper pipes in the bathroom, you can clean them if you rub them with a slice of lemon sprinkled with salt.
The limescale that has formed on the tapes can be removed with water, salt and vinegar, while the shower head can be kept in a bowl with vinegar for several hours to regain its initial brilliance.
Cleaning ceramic tiles
You can disinfect ceramic tiles if you clean them with a mixture of detergent and hot water. Lemon juice can also help. Ceramic tile flooring will regain shine, if you wash it with water and vinegar.
Carpet cleaning
You bathroom carpet can regain its brilliance if you brush it with a solution consisting of water and a tablespoon of baking soda. Also, you can mantain its aspect by cleaning it with a mixture of two parts warm water and one part white vinegar.
Pleasant scents
After you have cleaned all the surfaces in the bathroom, give a pleasant smell by applying in the sink, tub, toilet bowl and cover one drop of essential oil of eucalyptus, lavender or mint. An alternative is the vanilla, cinnamon, cloves and citrus peels, which also have antibacterial properties.