Tag Archives: cinnamon

Get Rid of Blackheads with Homemade Masks

People of any age can have blackheads problems, but most often it is a problem that occurs during adolescence. Blackheads occur frequently on the face, especially the nose. They can also occur on ears or anywhere else on the body.

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Top 3 Homemade Acne Face Masks

Acne is a very unpleasant problem for many women. Commercial treatments are quite expensive and numerous chemicals may be harmful to your skin, so the best solution is to use natural masks to treat acne.

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5 Natural remedies for fuller lips

Even if you weren’t born with lips like Angelina Jolie, you can do some small changes to help you have fuller and sensual lips without any needle or another painful procedure to be involved.

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Homemade Cinnamon Mouthwash

Have you ever tried to read the ingredients contained by a mouthwash you buy from the store? I did. There are lots of chemicals and artificial colorings that I do not know what they mean. Moreover, I believe they do more damage than good.

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