Top 3 Homemade Acne Face Masks

Acne is a very unpleasant problem for many women. Commercial treatments are quite expensive and numerous chemicals may be harmful to your skin, so the best solution is to use natural masks to treat acne.

They are less expensive and you can find all the ingredients in your kitchen. Plus they are very easy to prepare and use.

If you have acne problems and oily skin, you should use two or three masks a week to clean your pores and reduce inflammation. You can try many natural masks for pimples, alternating them until you find the right one for you. If a particular mask makes you feel uncomfortable and irritates you, you might have an allergy to a specific ingredient that you used, so you’d better not use that mask. We present you top 3 effective homemade face masks against acne:

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar Acne Face Mask

Here are the ingredients that you need: apple cider vinegar, green tea, honey, sugar, a teaspoon and a bowl. Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in the bowl. Then add 2 teaspoons of cooled green tea. Next add five teaspoons of sugar and then you can finally add the honey. Stir well. If you want a thicker consistency, add more sugar.

Apply the mixture on you face using a cotton pad. Gently massage your face for 5 minutes to improve blood circulation and remove dead skin cells. Leave the mask for 10 minutes on your face then wash it warm water. Sugar works as a natural exfoliant that unclogs skin pores.

  1. Cinnamon and Honey Face Mask

For this recipe you will need: cinnamon powder, honey, a teaspoon and a bowl. In a bowl add one teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Add two teaspoons of honey. Mix the ingredients. Is the mixture is to thick add more honey. Apply the mixture on your face skin using your fingers and leave it on for 15 minutes or more.

Rinse with warm water and apply a toner. The toner can be replaced with lemon juice or diluted apple cider vinegar. You can use this face mask daily, to get rid of the acne, faster.

  1. Acne face mask with turmeric, milk and honey.

The ingredients needed for this recipe are: turmeric powder, raw milk, honey, a teaspoon and a bowl. Put the turmeric powder in the bowl. Add one teaspoon of honey and mix well. Add 1-2 teaspoons of milk and mix very well until you make a paste. To avoid staining, because of turmeric powder, apply the mixture on your face using a make-up brush.

After 15 minutes, rinse your face with warm water. If there are any stains left, take a cotton pad and soak it in raw milk. Gently wipe your face with this soaked cotton pad and you will see how the stains disappear. We recommend you to use this face mask 2-3 times a week.