You can’t get a good night sleep if you know the mattress is dirty or smelling funny.
In time, due to night sweats, or due to drink or food spills (we all know that movies are better when you watch them staying in bed and no movie can be enjoyed without drinks and snacks), the stains can seem impossible to get out and the mattress can get impossible to look at.
Moreover, stains are not your biggest problem when it comes to mattresses. Dust mites and a whole bunch of other critters make their home in mattresses, if not regularly deep cleaned. And there is also mold, which grows on or inside the mattress, and which can cause many diseases.
How to get those impossible stains out and deep clean your mattress? And not using hard chemicals?
Here’s a great way:
First step is to vacuum it. Get out all the dust and dead skin. Yes, dead skin! On and under your bed, perhaps, it is interesting to find out that there are more dead skin cells than dust.
Next, deodorize it. You can do that using baking soda. Sprinkle a generous amount of it on the mattress and thoroughly rub it in. For more freshness, before sprinkling the soda on, mix it with a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
Vacuum again.
To get stains out, use cold water and liquid dish washer or hydrogen peroxide.
If you have small children, urine stains may appear. To get them out, use this tip: dissolve 3 tbsp. of baking soda in 8 oz. of hydrogen peroxide then add a drop or two of liquid dish soap.
Don’t forget to flip over the mattress and repeat the cleaning procedure.