Did you know that you can clean and even disinfect your bathroom, all natural?
A great bathroom disinfectant, for example, is vodka. Yes, vodka is not just a delicious Saturday night beverage.
To whiten, clean and perfume your toiled bowl, besides disinfecting it with vodka or rubbing alcohol, you can use baking soda and lemon juice, also adding to the mixture essential oils such as lavender or any other perfume you enjoy.
To clean your mirror, as well as the sink battery, you can also use hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, rubbing alcohol, or baking soda and water or lemon juice.
If your bathtub needs special attention, hydrogen peroxide is great for taking out those stains, as well.
To clean the floor of your bathroom you can use distilled water, which takes care of those marks left behind by tap water, in which you can put some vodka to make it disinfectant, as well. Of course, you can also use rubbing alcohol which is know for its anti germs and bacteria powers.
To whiten your sink, after cleaning it with any of the cleaning mixtures reminder above, you can whiten it using toothpaste, due to the fluorine in it.
Therefore, the things you need to clean and disinfect your bathroom, without chemicals, are:
- baking soda
- white vinegar (distilled is even better)
- lemon juice
- vodka
- rubbing alcohol
- distilled water
- hydrogen peroxide
- essential lavender oil (or whatever perfume pleases your senses)
To clean the floor of your bathroom or your toilet bowl you can also use mouthwash. It smells great and also contains fluorine and bacteria killing agents.
To disinfect and clean your bathroom tile you can also use mouthwash, or you can use rubbing alcohol, or even black tea mixed with vodka.