Anyone wants a clean house, but “clean” means today more than no dirt and mud. It also means no potentially toxic chemicals. “Clean” your cleaning actions by eliminating toxic products in favor of the homemade ones.
- Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda): frictioning, whitening
Use baking soda to eliminate odors and for whitening. A paste of baking soda and water can help to whiten sinks and baths, and a box of baking in the refrigerator or bathroom cabinets helps to absorb odors.
- Beeswax: polishing wood
You can forget about oily products for polishing the furniture in favor of beeswax. Find a local breeder of bees, and support your local economy!
- Cornstarch and soda: removes stains
For a quick treatment of stains on carpets or curtains, cover the stain with an absorbent starch. Leave it on the stain for 20 minutes, then pour the soda / carbonated water to remove the stain. You can also try the starch for oil that dripped on the fabric.
- Hydrogen peroxide: disinfecting, removing stains
Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful disinfectant. To kill mildew, combine baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to create a paste, apply it to the mold and let it sit for a few minutes before clean it.
- Lemon: removing stains and odors
Lemons are an excellent solution to remove odors from the kitchen. Pass half a lemon over a dirty cutting board. This will remove heavy odors such as onion or fish. Lemon juice adds extra power to general cleaning solutions.
- Homemade liquid soap: foaming power
Homemade liquid soap (made with olive oil instead of lard) is a general purpose soap based on olive oil, that can be used to wash dishes, clean floors and more. To clean a floor or a wall, combine one cup of vinegar with less than four liters of hot water and a few drops of soap.
- Olive oil: polishing wood
Olive oil can recondition the wood naturally as the skin and hair!
- Pine oil: cleaning softwood floors
Pine oil naturally refurbishes wooden floors, and has a fresh smell.
- Essential oils of plants: non-chemical scents
Although there are no chemicals, pure essential oils are very strong. Always do a test of smell before buying them, to make sure you are not sensitive. Handle pure essential oils with caution . A few drops of essential oil can add antibacterial and antifungal power to cleaning solutions. More important? It leaves a fresh scent. Browse pure essential oils, undiluted, in dark brown or blue vials. Keep them in the dark.
- Salt: friction
Coarse salt will give power to remove fat. To clean insistent soap stains, combine baking soda and salt and rub well.
- Sodium carbonate: abrasion, stain removal and degreasing
Sodium carbonate is a powerful ingredient that acts like baking soda, but stronger. Use it for cleaning the toilets, or mix it with water to get a powerful general-purpose cleaner. Many recommend borax, but recent studies of the Environmental Working Group found that it is excessively harsh.
- White vinegar: disinfection, stain removal
White vinegar is the cleaning power source. Disinfecting and deodorizand, vinegar is a desirable product to get rid of germs that haunt certain places such as kitchen tables / countertops, door handles and telephones.