Some parents don’t realize the importance of taking care of baby’s milk teeth, thinking that anyway at some point they will fall. That is wrong. Their care is very important to avoid their decay and other problems, which may even lead to permanent tooth damage.
Milk teeth also help your child to articulate the sounds as they learn to speak and prepare the way of the permanent teeth appearance. Here are some tips for baby teeth care:
Mouth cleaning. Every time your baby eats you should clean his mouth by wiping his gums. To do that all you need is a warm wash cloth.
Soft toothbrush. After the first baby teeth comes up use a soft brush with a big handle to brush your baby’s teeth. Brush the teeth gently using a small amount of fluoride toothpaste. Brush using circular movements. The brushing should be done twice a day: in morning and at night. Dental Checkup is important within 6 months of teeth erupting.
Sugary Foods. Avoid giving sugary foods to your baby because it harm his teeth. Either you prepare sugarless foods or buying it from the supermarket only by checking the label. We also recommend you to give to your baby diluted juices, using warm water.
You can avoid milk tooth decay if you do not you let baby spend too much time with the bottle in his mouth. We recommend you to completely eliminate the bottle after the age of one year. Even breastfeeding may cause such diseases if the baby is breastfed often overnight and is allowed to fall asleep while sucking.