Every woman wants to have silky, smooth hair. The natural ingredients soothe and hydrate the frizzy hair. It is advisable to prepare your treatments once or twice a week for several months for best possible results.
Moisturizing mask with almond oil. For this mask you need two tablespoons of honey, a tablespoon of almond oil, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Mix all ingredients and apply the obtained mask on hair length. Leave the treatment to action about an hour, then wash your hair.
Olive oil and egg yolk treatment. What you need is some olive oil (depending on hair length) and 1 yolk. Mix the yolk with olive oil amount that you have chosen until you get a paste and apply on hair length. Leave it on the hair for an hour. This treatment will individual calm strands and gives a natural shine to you hair.
Argan oil is successfully used in hair beauty treatments. It seems that it is more effective than olive oil because it has a high content of fatty acids and is more resistant to oxidation. Mix one egg white with one tablespoon of argan oil, then apply the paste on your hair length. Leave the treatment to act for half an hour, then wash your hair.
Argan oil and honey mask. In a bowl add two tablespoons of honey and a tablespoon or two of argan oil, then mix until smooth. Apply the mask on hair length and wait 30-40 minutes, then wash your hair.
You should let your hair dry naturally and gently pat it with a towel. Hair dryer damages your hair, if you still can’t dispose it choose a temperature as low as possible. Or use a new hair dryer model that emits negative ions, specifically designed to prevent frizzy hair.
Avoid a very hot water wash, because it will let your hair dry and dull, in addition can also affect the scalp. Rinse it with warm water then apply cold jet water as it will decrease the risk of frizz and give your hair a smooth appearance.
These frizzy hair remedies will discipline your rebel hair, so your hairstyle will look perfect all day.