Blackheads are one of the most unaesthetic skin problem. They appear mostly on the nose and the most common way to get rid of them is by applying a strip. Instead of buying blackheads strips or going to a cosmetician, you can make your own strips.
You need two simple ingredients that can be found in any kitchen:
- 1 T gelatine powder;
- 1 T milk.
The process is simple: in a bowl that is resistant to heat put 1 tablespoon of milk and then add little by little one tablespoon of gelatine. Then mix well until you obtain a coarse composition.
Put the bowl in the microwaves for 10 seconds at medium heat.
You just made your own blackheads strips in less then 30 seconds!
Dip your finger in the obtained mixture and coat your nose with it.
Leave the strip to dry for about 10 minutes and then carefully take it off.
You will see on the strip the blackheads and impurities that were previously on your face.
I suggest you use clear, unflavored gelatine. As for the milk, you can use any time you have in your fridge.
This is one of the fastest ways to get rid of blackheads. Even if you do not have lot of free time you can make the time to make these fast and efficient homemade blackheads strips.