You know that you are beautiful no matter your age. With this article I just want to show you how, with make-up, you can keep the brightness your skin has when you are 20, even when you are in your 40’s.
With these tips you will be able to make your skin look fresh and young again.
1. Primer – it is important to apply primer before any make-up products, in order to hide any imperfections, to uniform your complexion and to fill the finely wrinkles. Apply the primer after you have applied a moisturized cream.
Keep in mind – the first product you need to use when it comes to make-up is the primer, which stands as a base for any make-up product!
2. Foundation cream – choose to use a liquid foundation. Why? Because the powder foundation loads your skin and adds a few years to your look. So is better you sue a liquid foundation because it will moisturize your skin and you will have a fresh and healthy look. Choose to apply it with a brush or a sponge, instead of your fingers.
3. Avoid using tacky colors for eye shadows – fist of all beauty is elegance. Even though you may feel tempted to use bright colors, after a certain age is better to focus on the elegance. Try using neutral and delicate colors for a natural look. You can choose to play with some shadows to add a little mystery.
Remember: never use the same color for your eye shadow as the color you choose to wear!
4. Give shape to your eyebrows – the way our eyebrows look is very important, because they have an important role in how are face looks like. The key in looking fresh and young is to always have freshly plucked and groomed eyebrows. Because over the year they tend to thin and whiten you should always have an eyebrow pencil in your beauty kit. Or you could choose to dye them. Either you choose to dye them or to use a pencil. you should use a color very natural and really close to your hair color.
5. Choose wisely your lipstick – if you choose a wrong lipstick or you apply it incorrectly, all people will see are the wrinkles around your mouth. To be sure your lipstick will not spread where it shouldn’t, before you apply it, use some moisturizing cream and then cover your lips with a thin layer of foundation. Be careful what color you use and choose to stay away from tacky ones.
These are the most important and basic 5 things when it comes to a correct make-up. A make-up that will emphasize only your strong figures and cover the ones you want to be covered. Well, this is the reason make-up was invented
I hope you find this helpful and will apply them in order to stay young and beautiful forever