Ingrown fingernails is caused by the lateral nail growth into the soft tissues around them. Usually affects the big toe of the foot.
To prevent ingrown toenails ought to cut your nails regularly, but never too short. Even better if you file your nails without rounding the corners. Also, avoid wearing too tight shoes. If you have an ingrown toenail here are some solutions:
Soak a cotton pad in an antibiotic ointment and apply it under the nail so that the skin underneath the nail absorb the substance and counteract the infection.
You may also try the olive oil treatment. For a month, every night, dip a cotton swab in olive oil and apply it under the nail corner, then wrap the hole finger with a bandage soaked in oil. Every three days, cut a little bit the corner of the ingrown nail to remove the problem area.
Another way to get rid of painful nails, both hands and feet, is to soak your fingers in warm water. When the nail is sufficiently softened to be drawn from the tissue, carefully cut corners, using iodine disinfected scissors and strain in the corner of the nail a piece of sterile cotton, which will depart the nail from the tissue until the nail grows normally . Daily change the cotton pad.
To avoid ingrown nails often take warm baths with water and bicarbonate (stops bacterial growth); If the area has already been affected, put a bandage on the toe with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, iodine or disinfectant.
If you can’t stand the pain of the ingrown toenail take some pain relievers like acetaminophen, ibuprofen and naproxen sodium.