The eyes are the mirror to the soul. Naturally, it is very important to take good care of them and of the skin around your eyes.
This is way it is very important to take care of the way we look and not to neglect dark circles that may appear under the eyes.
There are natural remedies that will help you reduce dark circles and make the skin around the eyes glow and by reading this article you will find some simple and efficient tricks to help you eliminate eye fatigue.
Cucumber Juice – You can either apply cucumber slices directly on the eyes or you can squeeze the juice out of it, soak a cotton pad in the juice and apply it around the eyes.
Tomato Juice – Soak a cotton pad in some tomato juice and apply it under your eyes.
Tomato juice helps light the skin tone and gives glow to the skin.
Turmeric powder and pineapple juice – Mix turmeric powder with some pineapple juice and with a cotton pad apply the mixture under your eyes.
The dark circles will be diminished.
Potato juice – Mix some raw potato juice with some cucumber juice and apply on the dark circles.
Lemon juice – Mix some lemon juice with cucumber juice and apply on the skin around your eyes. Lemon, which is rich in Vitamin C helps deeply nourish your skin.