Even if you weren’t born with lips like Angelina Jolie, you can do some small changes to help you have fuller and sensual lips without any needle or another painful procedure to be involved.
For the next recipe you need cinnamon and sea salt. Mix half a teaspoon of cinnamon with half a teaspoon of salt and with a tablespoon of petroleum jelly. Apply the mixture with your finger on the lips using circular motions. Wait five minutes before removing the petroleum jelly before removing the mixture from the lips. Now, using a lipstick brush dipped in beetroot juice, paint your lips. Let it work over night. In the morning apply some fresh petroleum jelly as a lip balm. Use this recipe for a month and you will enjoy fuller lips.
The second recipe requires: petroleum jelly, menthol, cinnamon essential oil, and wintergreen. Blend this ingredients together and apply the mixture with your finger all over the lips. You will see it’s effect after a few hours.
The third recipe it’s not recommended it if you have chapped or dry lips. It requires three tablespoons of petroleum jelly, half a tablespoon of cinnamon and half a tablespoon of cayenne pepper. Mix all the ingredients in a jar. Before applying the mixture, using a cotton pad, apply some lip balm first. Apply it in small doses and if you experience some burning sensation, don’t worry it will pass in the next days.
Ice cubes massage. A massage with ice cubes is harmless, natural and will give more color and volume to your lips. Rub each circular rim with an ice cube, so the muscles will relax and the blood flow faster. This will make them naturally red and fuller.